
Patient Info



What To Expect At Your Initial Comprehensive Consultation Visit and Beyond

We take an integrative, biomedical approach to your child’s health and well being.

Whether you are searching for answers about your child’s symptoms or diagnosis or you wanting to be proactive in optimizing your child’s health, you’ve come to the right place! Praxis Integrative Pediatrics will come alongside you to focus on health and finding the root cause of your child’s symptoms or diagnosis. We will also discuss various therapeutic modalities that may be beneficial for your child. For those simply wanting to be proactive in their child’s health, we offer comprehensive well child checks.

Step one: Make an appointment

New first time Appointments are made online on our website by pressing

  1. Make an Appointment Button
    Once clicked, there will be a drop-down box that states:
  2. Select the Appointment Type
    For new patients, the options are:
    1. Initial comprehensive consult (which includes autism, asthma, and all chronic conditions) or
    2. Well child check-up Once clicked, there will be a drop-down box that states:
  3. Select the preferred date
    Select a date, once this is clicked,
  4. A Time drop box will populate, and you can click on your preferred time that is available for that day. Once clicked, there will be a
  5. Personal information box to complete, (it is brief) please use your child’s name when filling out this information. The Request Appointment Button is at the bottom of this form.
  6. Click the Request Appointment Button
    Once we receive your request for an appointment, we will send a confirmation email with further instructions.
Step two: Portal setup and patient history intake forms

After your appointment has been confirmed, the next steps are two-fold.

  1. Set up your patient portal, instructions will be in your email on how to do this step.
  2. Complete the intake forms.

The type of appointment made determines which intake forms we will need.

The intake forms we need from you will be sent to your patient portal for you to complete and submit back to us. We will need these forms completed and submitted to us through the portal 5 business days prior to your child’s appointment, so we have plenty of time to thoroughly review them before your appointment.

The intake forms for the Initial Comprehensive Consult are lengthy but crucial for us to understand your child better and help us hone in on possible root causes.

Our biomedical approach looks at diet, environmental factors, cellular processes, immune function, as well as toxin load. Therefore, in these intake forms, we ask for a thorough patient medical history as well as history pertaining to diet, use of medications, supplements, previous treatments, labs, therapies, and family/social history.

If your child had lab work done in the previous 6 months, we ask that you upload it to the patient portal or fax it to us. Please do not email us your child’s information, as email is not secure and due to HIPPA regulations, we cannot respond to it. Our fax line and patient portal are secure and HIPPA compliant.

Step three: Day of the initial comprehensive consultation appointment

During the Initial Comprehensive Consult with you and your child, we will spend one hour together discussing your child’s history and symptoms, your concerns as the parent, a physical exam of the child, and initiate an individualized approach to treatment.

Typically, we recommend diet changes, lifestyle modifications, and possibly supplements at this visit.

We may also discuss ordering traditional labs, functional medicine labs, or other assessments to evaluate a targeted concern. Functional medicine labs are not mandatory for treatment, but they do assist us in gathering helpful data that we otherwise would not know.

We typically suggest one functional lab at a time, as we use a systematic approach to investigate the body systems that could be causing problems for your child.

Step four: Follow up visits

We typically see our patients in a follow up visit 4-6 weeks after their initial consult visit.

Follow up visits are allocated 45 minutes. At this visit we will discuss your child’s progress, review any lab work results that were completed, recommend a customized plan of care, and plan how to continue your child’s therapy together. This visit can be in person or via telemedicine.

The number of follow up visits depends on the child’s diagnosis, progress, plan modifications, and the need for further assessments. Most patients will have an average of 4 follow up visits for their initial treatment plan in the first year.

We also work with therapists and other medical specialists, and can make referrals to those therapies as appropriate if they are not already enrolled in them.

You can conveniently make appointments through the patient portal by clicking Patient Portal on the website and login and scroll down the side bar to Make appointment.

Step five: Continued care

Once we have a working plan in place and the child is progressing well, we recommend annual and as needed visits.

Giving Children the
Care they Deserve

Click on the button below to schedule an appointment with Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Brenda Bosch