
About Us

Brenda Bosch

About Us

Welcome to praxis where we focus on your child, not on symptoms or the diagnosis.

Praxis means to do – to make a consistent practice of what you are learning in order to achieve a desired outcome.

Praxis Integrative Pediatrics takes a holistic approach to health and wellness. We look at diet, environmental factors, cellular processes, immune function, as well as toxins and heavy metal load. We focus on identifying the root cause of an illness or chronic condition, not just its symptoms.

We believe that food is medicine, so the child’s diet is our first focus. From there, we build an individualized plan to optimize your child’s health and well-being.

Our therapies include nutrition and exercise guidance, nutraceuticals, botanical medicine, some traditional medications, as well as appropriate referrals to customize your child’s therapeutic approach, if needed. When appropriate, we order traditional and speciality labs to help pinpoint the root cause(s) of your child’s condition and build a targeted treatment plan.

This biomedical therapeutic approach was developed by doctors from Defeat Autism Now and continues to evolve through MAPS (Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs) and other researchers. Many children with autism and chronic issues have greatly benefited from this approach.

Of course, benefits do not happen overnight. It takes time, work, love, and prayer to allow the therapies to perform their function. It is a journey and a labor of love.

At Praxis, we set the course and help guide you along the way, but you walk the road of restorative health with your child. It is not an easy road, but the rewards can be life changing!

If you’re ready to walk the road of better health for your child using the Biomedical Approach, Brenda would be honored to work with you and your child!

Make an Appointment Today!

*A difficult decision was made to limit our practice to children ages 1 month – 11 years of age. We regret any inconvenience this poses.

Giving Children the
Care they Deserve

Click on the button below to schedule an appointment with Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Brenda Bosch